the event suite

Connect with us live and in-person

We regularly host events at our offices in Atlanta, GA and Los Angeles, CA, and virtually, as well as at various industry trade events.  Join us to be inspired and connected with others paving the way for the future of retail.




Trade Shows. Conferences. Marketplaces. Pop Up Events.

To see that retail has a diversity problem, all you have to do is go to a trade show or other industry event and look around.  It's blatantly obvious.  But we are changing that!  We're hosting events within these events to give awareness and exposure to you, as well as a way to increase diversity in these spaces. We're also hosting our own events to further inspire and reassure you that there's a place for you in retail to thrive. 

we curate these spaces just for you.

for minority high school students

The Future of Retail Summer Camp

We were so excited to welcome minority high school students interested in the fashion and retail industries to this 5-day summer camp where students got a behind-the-scenes look at the retail industry and explore what the future of it may look like through creating their own store concept!  If your child, or a child you love, has ever shown interest in fashion, making their own products, running their own brick and mortar or e-commerce store, or anything related to the retail industry, we would love to help them explore those interests during our next camp!

see the event highlights

location: in-person in atlanta, ga at the works atl

Date: June 27th - July 1st, 2022
Time: Daily Morning or Afternoon Session

the event recap

students got a behind-the-scenes look at the retail industry + built the future of it with their own store concepts

featured episodes:

Real Talk: How To Stand Up For What You Believe In

Poke fixie kickstarter fashion axe mixtape brunch. Bushwick master cleanse waistcoat, everyday carry chillwave la croix. Jianbing next level narwhal.


join hued commerce to aCCESS all events.

guest speaking

speaking engagements

Our Co-Founders, DeAnna and Jade, are excited to speak at diversity-driven and focused, conferences, trade events, and educational institutions.

host OR SPONSOR an event

get involved

Take an active role in supporting our work, our Students, and our Entrepreneurs by donating your space or services for an event with us. 

are you in?


As you can see, Diversify Retail® Inc. is not your typical nonprofit.  It is a path forward for opportunity, skill development, and most importantly, strategic action to develop and increase youth involvement in all facets of the retail industry.  Your donation helps us provide retail educational programming, summer camps, grants + scholarships, trade opportunities, and community activities for minority students and youth entrepreneurs worldwide.  With your support, we can, and will, change the future of retail.



Check out our